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Aiken GOP Monthly Member Meeting - Second Thursday of each month.  6:30pm at Bobby's BBQ Banquet Hall, 1897 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Warrenville, SC 29851. 


Aiken GOP Cocktails & Conversations - Last Thursday each month.  6:30pm. Join other area Republicans in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere for enjoyable conversation at THE FEED SACK, 1593 WHISKEY ROAD, AIKEN.  For more information call Debbie Epling, 803-215-8819


Aiken Republican Club Meeting - 4th Tuesday each month.  11:30am at Newberry Hall, 117 Newberry St, Aiken.  Link:


Event Volunteers are needed!  From greeting people to setting up chairs to helping clean up to food prep. No matter your talents, we can use you.  Please email Debbie: or Call 803-599-8819 


GOP office hours:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 10-2 or by appointment.


Political Events in the area:


Aiken Republican Club Meeting -  4th Tuesday each month.  11:30am at Newberry Hall, 117 Newberry St, Aiken.  Link:


Aiken City Council meetings are typically held at 7:00 pm on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, in the Council Chambers of Aiken Municipal Building, at 214 Park Avenue S.W.

Aiken County Council meets the
first and third Tuesdays from January through June. From July through November they meet on the third Tuesdays and in December they meet on the second Tuesday. The meetings start at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, Aiken County Government Center, 1930 University Parkway, Aiken.

Aiken County Registration & Election Board Dates: 202
4 schedule - TBD

**First floor doors open for public access from 5:00pm- 5:45pm**


Aiken County Government Bldg. 1930 University Parkway, Aiken

Aiken County Public School District meetings are at 1000 Brookhaven Dr on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm.

North Augusta City Council meetings are held the first and third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers on the third floor of the Municipal Building, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta 

New Ellenton Council Meetings are the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm unless otherwise adjusted by the Council. Meeting held at New Ellenton City Hall, 200 Main Street N, New Ellenton

Ridge Springs City Council meetings are held first Monday of Every Month at 6:30 pm at the Ridge Spring Town Hall, 100 Town Square, Ridge Spring, SC

Town of Salley City Council are held third Monday of each month at 7 PM at Salley Town Hall, 161 Railroad Ave N, Salley

Town of Wagener City Council meetings are generally held at 6:15 p.m. on the 1st Monday of every month inside the Wagener Municipal Center, located at 113 Railroad Avenue W., Wagener.


Town of Windsor City Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Activity Building at First Baptist Church of Windsor. If the first Monday falls on Holiday we schedule it for the following Monday.

Aiken County GOP
127 Greenville St. SW. Aiken, SC
Office hours:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 10-2 or by appointment.

Official Website of the Aiken County Republican Party

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